Jack Hawksworth

Jack Hawksworth

Recent posts by Jack Hawksworth

5 min read

Advertising and Marketing: How the Truman Show Was Ahead of Its Time

By Jack Hawksworth on 17 July 2020

The Truman Show is one of my favourite and most terrifying childhood films, and I imagine if you’ve seen the film you’re currently wondering what it could possibly have to do with marketing. We’ll get to that soon enough.

Topics: Digital Marketing
6 min read

The Top 5 Fictional Brands

By Jack Hawksworth on 06 July 2020

Firstly, I need to address that the research for this post and the topic of the post, might just make this my favourite piece of work that I’ve ever written. For those that don’t know me, I’m a big movie fan, so taking one of my favourite pastimes and mixing that with my favourite aspect of marketing was a no brainer. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Top 5 Fictional Brands.

Topics: Digital Marketing
5 min read

How to create your brand guidelines

By Jack Hawksworth on 06 December 2019

I’m going to start with a bold personal statement, Branding and more specifically, using your brand elements for marketing purposes, is my favourite part of this industry. There’s so much to branding that you can fall in love with, whether that be the ability to have your audience cling to your every word, the opportunity to make your audience laugh, smile, cry or empathise. It might even simply be learning the skill to produce some beautiful Ad creative.

Topics: Digital Marketing
3 min read

5 tips to improving your engagement levels on Instagram

By Jack Hawksworth on 01 November 2019

In this post, we'll look at how you can get more engagement on Instagram. Since the photo and video-sharing social network was launched in October 2010 it has experienced phenomenal growth. Here's how your business can take advantage.

Topics: Digital Marketing
4 min read

Using Google Lens: What's next for visual search?

By Jack Hawksworth on 21 March 2019

Search is continually evolving. We know this. We know search changes and we know that Google like to keep all of us on our toes in understanding what latest activities lead to hitting that desirable position #1.

Topics: Digital Marketing
4 min read

Is Voice Search really taking over?

By Jack Hawksworth on 28 February 2019

“Alexa, play my ‘concentration’ playlist", would be something that I might say to my Amazon Echo as I prepare myself to get stuck into some background reading, data finding and thought splurging activities, if I had an Amazon Echo that is. You see, I’m rather sceptical about this development and honestly, this technology. I’m sure it has its uses and benefits for a lot of people, but personally all I find myself doing is trying to make Siri say something funny. Usually it isn’t. When that fails I’ll research some of my favourite people, but how much more can I know about Ryan Gosling?

Topics: Digital Marketing
2 min read

Is a loyalty scheme the answer?

By Jack Hawksworth on 07 September 2018


If you’re pondering this question right now within your organisation you would be forgiven for coming to a quick conclusion that yes, a loyalty scheme is the answer- after all why wouldn’t it be? Offering your customers the chance to be rewarded for repeat custom is a win/win situation, surely? The organisation benefits from repeat sales and returning visits, whilst the customers are offered discounts/perks for their continued purchasing. Well, actually it may not be that straight forward.

Topics: Digital Marketing
5 min read

5 Reasons to Monitor Your Analytics Daily | Ascento

By Jack Hawksworth on 15 June 2018


Analytics are usually a polarising topic, stereotypically we have two elements- the ‘numbers people’ and then the ‘content people’. The pattern goes, as I’m sure you can guess, that the numbers people love analytics. They can’t get enough of them whilst the content people, well, they don’t even know they exist- right?

Well actually, that’s not true. So if that sounds anything remotely like what you currently experience then you need to change things up and shift those ideas. Analytics are an incredibly powerful tool and most importantly they benefit the ‘content people’ the most!

 If you love creating content or running engaging campaigns, how do you know if the imagery you designed or words you wrote are resonating with the reader? How do you know the reader is actually who you wanted the reader to be? The answer- Stone cold data. (I’m really trying hard to resist the urge to make a Stone Cold Steve Austin reference, but mainly out of fear that no one will recognise this and you’ll think that ‘bottom line’ is referring to profits or ‘3:16’ to the time.)

Topics: Digital Marketing
3 min read

5 methods to improve your Instagram feed

By Jack Hawksworth on 23 March 2017


Instagram is quickly becoming a go-to staple for many of its users. With 600 million monthly users and 400 million daily users it’s about the time to start asking ‘are you using this incredible tool well enough?’ 52 million images are shared every day and 1.6 billion likes distributed on a daily basis. It’s time to ask, are you really doing all you can?

Topics: Digital Marketing