4 min read

Methods for Making Good Business Decisions in Management

By Oliver Simpson on 27 June 2022

When defining what makes a good manager, the ability to make tough, strategic decisions is always high on the list. In fact, it’s one of the most important qualities a manager should possess when leading a team.

Topics: Leadership & Management Business Development Communications Line Management Decision making
5 min read

Six Essential Line Management Skills to Get the Most From Your Team

By Oliver Simpson on 01 June 2022

With more than six million employees in managerial roles across the UK, line managers are an essential aspect of workplace structure. They ensure the daily running of a group or department and they’re also dependable employees who know how to get results for your business.

Topics: Leadership & Management Business Development Communications Line Management
3 min read

Why Communications Skills Are Management's Most Important Quality

By Oliver Simpson on 11 May 2022

The requirement of good communication is a given in any workplace. In a managerial position, this is essential for the overall success of a team and, in turn, your business. In 2021, an estimated 86% of employees and executives cited the lack of effective collaboration and communication as the main causes of workplace failures. The importance of effective communication is often overlooked and can leave employees feeling undervalued in their roles.

Topics: Leadership & Management Communications