3 min read

Working successfully with agencies

By Amandine Poirier on 19 February 2020 13:00:00 GMT


If you are working with third party agencies, you might worry about losing control over a side of your business, or having to spend more time managing the agency than actually doing your own job! Working with an agency should be helpful and hassle-free, and even if it's not at the moment, you will get there.
Here are a few key tips to make an agency relationship work for you, them and your business. 

6 key tips for working with agencies

  • Choose the right agency for you - You might not hit it off with every agency you are meeting. Follow your gut feeling. After all you will have to work with these guys and you want to get along. Choose an agency you like, that is easily commutable and simply feels right.

  • Have a dedicated account manager - Have a specific contact person in the agency and on your side too. These two people will be the main points of contact to and from the agency. This way nothing will get lost in the cracks.

  • Create a good relationship - It's important to communicate regularly with your agency and keep them up to date about changes that may occur in your business. You might not think that some information might be relevant to them, but with their expertise, they might see a way to use this and benefit your current campaign for example.

  • Set expectations - Set clear goals and measurable objectives. Agencies are not magicians. You might want to become an influencer but if you don’t tell them how then they might struggle delivering. Create a clear plan, with regular meetings and touch points to make sure the project is going your way. The agency might also have some changes to make along the way, to make sure your strategy is spot on.

  • Give feedback - Creating a successful campaign or project is an ongoing process. Give regular feedback; good and bad to keep the ball rolling. Nothing is worse for an agency than a client that never talks to them. Communication is key to keep both parties interested and hooked on a project.

  • Have a clear approval process - When things get hectic and deadlines are approaching, problems can arise. Make sure to have a clear approval process and chain of command to ensure nothing can get passed by unnoticed.

These tips should give you some ground rules on where to start when hiring a third party agency. Each company and agency work differently; the key here is to understand each other and be as clear as possible when communicating and setting goals. Good luck in your new relationship!

If you want more information, why not watch our 'Working with agencies' webinar by clicking the link below.

Working with Agencies - Webinar


About Ascento

Ascento learning and development specialise in providing workforce development apprenticeship programmes to both apprenticeship levy paying employers and non levy employers. We work closely with employers to identify the key areas for development and design  strategic solutions to tackle these with programmes that are tailored to each individual learner. With two schools of excellence focusing on Management and Digital Marketing we don’t deliver every qualification under the sun, but focus on what we know best and ensure that quality is at the heart of everything we do.

Amandine Poirier

Written by Amandine Poirier