A Skills Bootcamp to Elevate Your Business





Thanks for submitting your enquiry. We’ll be in touch soon about the next cohort!



Course Outline

Week 0
Launch Session
Laying the Foundations
Begin your marketing adventure with a personal plan. This week, we'll introduce you to what our Bootcamp entails, set you up with a goal-driven plan for the upcoming weeks, and kickstart your first learning objective.
Week 1
Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Unveiling Digital Marketing Basic
This week is all about understanding the basics of Digital Marketing. We'll provide you with a roadmap to help you make an immediate positive impact on your business. Our group sessions are designed to foster interaction and provide solid support.
Week 2
Content Creation
Crafting Engaging Narratives
Get ready to dive into Content Creation. Learn how to understand your audience better, plan your content calendar, and create SEO-friendly content that engages and resonates with your audience. It's all about making content that matters.
Week 3
Social Media Management
Orchestrating Online Interactions
Social Media Management is the spotlight this week. Learn the ins and outs of content scheduling, engaging with your audience, understanding social media analytics, and adopting best practices to create a strong social media strategy for your business.
Week 4
Google My Business
Amplifying Your Business Presence
Explore the world of Google My Business Management. Discover tools and strategies to enhance your online presence and make your business stand out in the digital crowd. It’s about establishing a robust online identity.
Week 5
Marketing Analytics
Decoding Marketing Metrics
Step into the analytical side of marketing. We'll introduce you to key marketing metrics and provide you with a template to track these metrics. Understanding and analysing these metrics will be a game-changer for your marketing strategy.
Week 6
Setting up for your Future
Building Your Marketing Future
This week is about planning for the future. We'll help you create a Marketing Strategy Plan to elevate your business to new heights. It's time to put together everything you've learned and plan how to move your business forward.